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So you've registered the business, created an identity and set things up online - great! But how do you juggle all this with family time?

Work/Life Balance

Running your own business and managing family life is always challenging. Here are a few articles with helpful tips on how to achieve this balance:


Setting up your space

Whether you're planning to work from home or set up an office, it's important to have a dedicated workspace away from everything else. Here are a few articles that may help:

Creating a dedicated space not only enables you to focus better on the job at hand, but is also the best way to keep important work well away from small grubby hands!


Quick and easy meal ideas

Take the stress out of dinnertime by planning meals ahead so you don't have to resort to takeaway too often! Two of the best options I've found are:

Here are some ideas you may like to try:

And if you have to rely on takeaway every so often - don't beat yourself up about it!
